12 January 2009


There's nothng too special about these. They're basically like Crunchy Nut Cornflakes but without the nuts. I'm not so sure that they even sell these anymore. I'm only reminded of these because during that same shopping trip when I went to pick up six glass bottles of diet coke I noticed some toddler having a bit of a tantrum because his mother reached for the cartoon of juice that didn't have the Disney promotion on it. He yelled, screamed and kicked the air as she insisted to him, but not very convincingly, that they were both the same. In the end, just to keep him quiet she relented. When you have the money and the choice you'll always pick the better packaging. Surely she must have understood that. Perfection comes at many prices. I have my cornflakes by the way with semi-skimmed Cravendale milk. It says that it's filtered. Always a good sign. I used to enjoy Jersey Milk but I put on a lot of weight.

1 comment:

Solarcower said...

Smirnov would like me to note that he wasn't sad enough to take this picture himself. He found it on google images and can't believe how appropriate it was, right down to the Sainsbury's receipt.