11 January 2009


I downloaded this after reading a Stephen Fry review about it. Normally I'm not easily sold and I always, if I can, see if I can check the service or product before endorsing it. This recommendation alone from Fry is worth looking into. I understand that Stephen Fry used to view himself as a grotesque piece of shit. Although it's a view he feels he has a right to make I have to say that he's wrong. I wish that I had an ounce of his eloquence, his knowledge and his master of language. What we do share though is enthusasm, passion and the desire to possess beautiful things that make life functional, ordered and easier to cope with. Because these are desires that we feel we can control or to some extent influence. They are things that won't ever harm or disappoint us. Whether it's the iPhone, a book of poetry, or, well a browser, they might not always be reliable or have the effect they are supposed to but their intentions may always seem to be honest, and in this world it's very easy to be skeptical of intentions. So I use Mozilla. It feels like a swift surfing experience. The interface is neat and tidy and I have all my bookmarks organised into little folders for various uses. 'Media', 'Blogs', 'Shopping,' 'Travel' 'Music' and so on. I won't claim that it will keep your life organised no more than empty to do lists/applications, but if it attempts on the PC at least to stop the beasts and bugs and looks good, then that's got to be better than IE, or Safari, which for it's iTunes-looking interface, doesn't really cut the mustard, if for the life of you, you know what cut the mustard means or from where the term originates.

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