23 March 2012


According to my stats, the Top 4 of my most popular posts and features have been the following:

1. John Simm
2. The Moomins
3. A-Ha
4. The KLF

What a strange lot you are. I've poured my heart and soul out on a feature about the recording industry, about some of my passions for literature and about the merits for Tefal set of pans, Ikea sofas, Toast Toppers, George Foreman grills, Brita Water filters, Issey Miyakke aftershave and a number of many other random things.  Of course these will still be available if you go to my new site where I've imported, tweaked, edited and corrected some of the posts.

You will find it: http://wnstnly.wordpress.com/ maintained and updated by my alter ego.

This site will exist as a kind of digital ghost, haunting whoever may stumble across it, looking for info on John Simm, The KLF or The Moomins. Course, the aim of this blog was to write about stuff that I like, stuff I'm curious about or just stuff in general. This 'stuff' will still be available on the new blog, along with some material taken from some of the other blogs I've had on this internet joint for a couple of years. It'll still be occasionally daft, sometimes hasty, very pompous but also entertaining and informative. Along with the odd bit of short fiction, forthcoming highlights include pieces about The Prisoner, Depeche Mode, German Cinema and whatever stuff I can attempt to make interesting.  It's a pain in the arse having about three or four blogs all over the place so I hope to keep everything together and make a link list for anything kind of peripheral.

For those of you who want something dafter, go to http://thehorseandflipchart.wordpress.com/

where my friends and egos will keep you entertained at the best food, drink, music and culture bar in the world. It's still under some form of development right now but keep your eye out for updates.

See you soon.